Son of a bee sting if working harder didn't win today. It all started when I had the terrible idea to go to a
6 am yoga class. It's not the Bikram yoga- which is total bullshit- but I
was sweating my nuts off after the "warm up." Why do they bother calling it vinyasa flow? They should call it sweat your balls off yoga. It would just make it easier for everyone.
This is so not me |
If you saw that picture on a website, wouldn't you think, "That lady looks amazing and not sweaty at all. That's what I will look like when I do yoga at this studio." False advertising.
Now, though, I am happy I got the GD hot yoga out of the way at 0600. I can sit here on my butt and drink a beer while watching "The Biggest Loser" relatively guilt free. Mission accomplished.
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