It happened. I had a birthday, and now I'm old again. I'm really hoping I don't end up looking like the Britney Spears that has been appearing on X Factor, lately. (I think we're the same age. Our similarities end there, of course. She has the millions of dollars that can't buy enough cover up to hide the alcoholic-esque splotchy face, and me with my thousands of dollars that can't buy enough over-priced work out gear at Lululemon...) Poor Britney.
No thanks. |
Speaking of Lululemon, Rico got me a gift card to the Hundred Dollar Store for my birthday. Smart man. In addition, we went to
Tulio, an Italian restaurant, with some friends (who
also gave me a Lulu gift card!) Prosecco, handmade pasta, and good company- nailed it. What a way to ring in the ol' 31st year. Oh,
then we went to Molly Moon's and I had a salted caramel "Lil' Sundae" (which is not little at all, by the way, nor does it adhere to Skinny Rules.) Amaze-balls.
The Antipasti Platter at Tulio. Yep, it happened. |
As if that wasn't enough excitement, my good buddy got married on Saturday night. It was a beautiful wedding, and there was plenty of wine (qualifiers not necessarily listed in order of importance- obvi.)
In my mind, we were both making fun, happy-wedding-type faces in this photo. I now see the bride is afraid of me, while the groom looks on with pure disdain for the fool in the gold shrug. |
I was all set to do some serious mom-dancing, but the dance didn't start until about 10pm. What am I- on spring break? I had already partaken in too many mini-sliders, too much wine, and a giant piece of chocolate pie. By the time dancing started, I was in a self-induced food/wine coma and all the mom dance I had in me was stuck between my ribs. Eric saw disaster about to strike and got us a cab home. I am pretty sure I was in bed by 11pm, but not before I chugged some Alka-Seltzer, and washed my face. What? Good skincare is important to a youthful appearance. Maybe dinner and Molly Moon's Friday night was all the excitement a 31 year old Nicole could handle?
There was a photo booth at the wedding. This is the best picture I could find...yeah. |
Will somebody please warn me if I start to look like Britney Spears? That's all I ask. Although, I think we all need to be really worried if Eric starts to resemble K Fed...
With and without Britney- it's all bad. |
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