This is one of my "fancy" sweatshirts. Yes, I'm in Canada, and, yes, I have my eyes closed in this picture. |
I have been running again, and therefore, feel much less stabby overall. A couple of my nurse friends and I are doing the Seattle 1/2 Marathon in November. The good news is that so far, the weather this fall in Seattle has been phenomenal. This makes training [mostly] enjoyable- especially as opposed to running in January. The bad news is that the race is the Sunday after Thanksgiving. BLERG. What kind of a fool signs up to, nay, pays to run 13.1 miles (yes, the .1 is important) after eating nothing but mashed potatoes, cranberries, turkey and gravy? Probably a genius.
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Probably this guy. |
A few of us were doing a training run this Saturday down by the waterfront, and it was beautiful - blah blah. The important part was that 7 miles went by incredibly fast with three of us jabbering the whole time. We discussed many an important topic including, but not limited to the following: "Who likes Angelina Jolie, anyway?" and "How to avoid getting murdered while running."
And then I almost did get murdered at Target.
Let me clarify, we're talking City Target here, people, so there is a far higher percentage of patrons on crack than, say, Northgate Target. (As you can see by virtue of the fact that I am still blogging, I have lived to tell the tale, so don't get too worried. But still!) I was followed by a lunatic into City Target... Okay, it might have just been a schizophrenic homeless person with a Mariners hat on... It's plausible that it might have simply been a guy who was trying to remember what kind of boxed wine his wife wanted him to bring home for breakfast... I'm pret-ty sure he was a straight up killer, though.
I had to walk super fast and escape down the laundry aisle to lose this evil mastermind. (I think we all know that while a psycho may follow an unsuspecting victim into City Target in order to surprise stab her amongst the paper towels and mops, he wouldn't dare cut a bitch in front of the Up and Up lavender scented fabric softener.) Obvi.
This was my face before I found the safe aisle...I really don't know why Jack Skelington got involved. |
Just to recap... I wore a "fancy sweatshirt" to work on Friday. Saturday I ran to train for a 1/2 marathon that takes place with a belly full of Thanksgiving food. Sunday I ran up the escalator at Target to hide in scented laundry supplies.
Monday I contemplated a sad thought with a fair amount of certainty. The murderous vagrant I had so narrowly escaped probably noticed a blonde freak with a penchant for athletic clothes, speed walking into the automatic door at City Target just before tripping up the escalator. "Good thing I got fabric softener yesterday," he must have considered, "Looks like the chick in mom shoes forgot to take her meds again."
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