Sunday, July 15, 2012

What [Not] to Watch

        If you are an individual whose fear of being murdered is disproportionate to the actual likelihood that you may or may not be murdered, then I have to warn you...

        Do NOT watch "I Murdered My BFF" on the Bio Channel.

One minute it's sandwiches and Diet Cokes, and the next minute some one's BFF is dead in a field.
Also, I am NEVER going anywhere with my friends again.  NEVER.

        I am telling you, people.  That is some scary shit.  Also, don't be friends with fools who rob tire stores for fun because that's how it starts, apparently.  Luckily, Eric is home so I don't have to sleep with a Gerber knife under my pillow tonight.

She has obviously never felt the need to sleep with a weapon under her pillow.

        Now I am starting to get suspicious of "accidentally" crossing paths with my friend, Jenny, at Target today.  Is she the type of BFF that would murder a ho?

No, she's not.  However,  I certainly am trying to murder her with my mind in this picture.

        If you like hot guys that are also sensitive and want to help people, then I have another warning for you...

        DO watch "Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition" on ABC.

This anonymous person is not featured in that show

        I will tell you a secret.  I cry approximately 3.7 times during each episode, and if you know me at all, you know I don't cry.  However, I also laugh during each episode.  There are moments that are supposed to be serious in the show, that just get a little too melodramatic for my taste.  My favorite quote of tonight's episode was when the trainer said to his client,

        "I hope you don't mind, but I hired a private investigator, and, welp...  I found your father."

        Now, people who have been abandoned by a parent is not a laughing matter.  Obviously, it is a very sad painful thing.  Which is why if some bro with a six pack and piercing blue eyes turns to you and says, "I hope you don't mind...  I found your father," you do, in fact, mind.  You start bawling your eyes out.  This is, of course, precisely what happened on the show.  It's riveting, though, isn't it?  Also, it doesn't make a person feel like they need to sleep with one eye open.

        Some people say to keep your friends close and your enemies closer.  I say, keep your friends closer and your plate two thirds full of vegetables; you might end up okay.

Am I worried about calories or a killer here? Hard to say.



  1. Oh my gosh, do you remember why we are making that face...I don't remember what the food was, but it was designed on the plate to look like a vagina!! Way to go Princess cruises!

  2. It's funny you mention that because when I chose this picture, I did so purely for our facial expressions. I thought to myself, "huh, whatever's on emily's plate kind of looks like a vagina... Hopefully no one will notice."
