Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Failed again

        My cat is snoring.  I didn't know cats could snore.  It's incredibly cute- if you like that sort of thing.
Which I do- obvi

         I did a bunch of errands today, and in turn, ran into those people who try to strike up conversations with you about whatever their cause du jour is.  I feel like they've really gotten good at making the passerby who doesn't stop look like a total jerk.  They used to say things like, "Hi, do you have a moment?" Easy to dodge that one- "Why no, kind sir, I do not have a moment."  Now they have subtly changed their tactics; they're making it personal.  For instance, this afternoon, one of those dudes said the following to me:

        "Do you have a minute to stop corporations from buying elections?"

        Well sheesh.  That's kind of a loaded question.  The truth is, in that moment, I just wanted to get my disgusting self, along with my groceries home. I wanted to ask him if he has a minute to look for a real job because I doubt soliciting signatures for some hippie dippy organization has a 401k plan, and he is definitely old enough to need one of those to pan out for him in the near future.  That would take to much breath and time, so of course, I just said, "No thanks."  

        Aren't I just a perfect jack wagon?  "No I do not have time to stop corporations from buying elections,"  kiiiiind of makes me sound like a horrible person.  There are worse inquiries, though.  Sometimes the question is more like, "Hi do you have a minute to help kids in Africa get clean drinking water?"  Mmmmm, I would, but I really gotta get to Pilates.  Which I do not say, but give the cursory, "No thank you."  Might as well just say, "No I don't- see ya in hell!"  Except, that person who is trying to give kids clean drinking water probably isn't going to be there, so that wouldn't really make sense. *sigh*

        Once I rescued a cat (who by the way, has turned out to be a little "special needs.")  Sometimes I do other stuff that helps people, too.

        We all have our causes, and the beauty is, they are shaped by our individual life experiences.  While I do care about a corporations not controlling elections, and clean drinking water for all, I can't fix everything.  Nobody can.  I just help in the ways that I can, as much as I can during each stage of my life.  Someday, I might need a little help myself, and a bit of good karma never hurt anyone.



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